Labour and Social Laws

A labour contract governs mutual rights and obligations between an employer and an employee. The provisions favouring the employer of such contracts are often limited by law (e.g. through statutory regulations). A labour contract that is well thought-out and adapted to the specific statutory circumstances (collective bargaining agreements, company-level agreements, etc.) is an important basis for a successful cooperation.

Should, nevertheless, any conflict situation arise during an employment or after an employment has ended, we help employers as well as employees to enforce their rights or to defend against unjustified claims. The same applies to cases in which social security payments (e.g. an invalidity pension) are being unjustifiably denied.


  • Labour contracts and agency agreements
  • Enforcement and defence against claims arising from an employment
  • Enforcement of social security payments
  • Representation in labour law and social security cases
Contact us
Mag. Stefan Weiskopf
Dipl.-Ing. MMag. Dr. Michael Kössler